Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Picnic

Happy Labor Day all y'all! (That's for the family in Texas. Y'all know who you are!) Jay's working today so it's been just the boys and I. I took them to the gym this a.m. and then afterwards we decided to have a picnic in our front yard. It was a lot of fun despite the hungry mosquitos and ants. The boys thought it was great too!

This afternoon we are headed over to the in-laws/grandparent's house to have dinner. Wish Jay could be with us...


Matthews said...

Jonathan, Eric, and Jaden are definitely related! As Jaden would say, "I wear these CRAZY socks!" They are all going to have so much fun together and Eric is like a school aged kid! He's going to be a BIG kid!!! I'm thinking football?! Stock up on groceries now!!!

Lana and the Fam said...

Well, if he continues to eat like he does now i.e. nothing at all, we'll still have plenty of money. He doesn't want anything except milky.