Thursday, November 1, 2007

Jonathan and Kindergarten

Jonathan really likes school but insists that he doesn't. Just yesterday driving home from picking him up, he said the following: "I don't like school at all. There is too much information and stuff in my makes my brain hurt." Made me laugh. He didn't appreciate the laughing however as he thinks I'm laughing at him. Poor kid. He needs to stop being so cute.

Jonathan also shared that his teacher wants the kids to bring in all their Snickers bars from trick or treating for her. I guess that's her favorite. Jonathan doesn't want to do this. He wants to try the Snickers bar first. If he likes it, his teacher isn't getting any.

And lastly, he also informed me again that he'll never be moving out of the house and never be getting a job. If his dad and I move, he'll move with us. And he wants to keep all his toys. And he wants a dog. He'll keep it in his room. With his toys.

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