Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of Kindergarten

Jonathan's first day of kindergarten started this a.m. at 9:15. He seemed in very good spirits and was actually quite excited to be going. He was somewhat nervous when we arrived at the building, however. I walked him to his classroom and he made himself at home. It helps that his friend, Lindsey, is also in his classroom. I let the teacher know there are friends and she allowed them to sit together. Jonathan shook hands with the principal, Mrs. W-T and then when asked, advised his teacher that he wanted peanut butter and jelly for his lunch today. I hope he expands his eating habits because we are buying him hot lunch. Luckily, the kids have snack time in the afternoon and I was able to pack something he likes. Jonathan dressed himself today and despite advising him that he could wear shorts, he picked out his new jeans. It's going to be 90 degrees today so hopefully he'll take it easy on the playground.


Matthews said...

So handsome...and a school-kid!!!!!!!!! Time flies. Hope he had a fabulous day!

Lana and the Fam said...

He did have a great day! 2 recesses. He's so big already :( but also :) !