Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Eric-ism or Two

Eric is a funny little boy. He comes up with some interesting new words. One such word is "fiveteen" instead of "fifteen". That is understandable I guess. Logic would indicate that after thirteen and fourteen and before sixteen and seventeen, one would count fiveteen. So cute. Jonathan has taken to correcting Eric quite often about this error, so I don't think Eric is using it much any more.

His newest Ericism is "blowcano" instead of volcano. Grandma Jackie has a science kit that includes a volcano experiment. Eric loves the "blowcano". That word cracks me right up. :p


Matthews said...

Love it! Blowcano makes much more sense!

Lana and the Fam said...

I thought so. But maybe it is spelled Blocano instead. I didn't clarify. :)