Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rocket Men

Jay and the boys have been building rockets this summer and then launching them. The boys (all three of them) really enjoy the whole process. And I think it is kind of fun too. Unfortunately, the rockets they have made do not have a very long life span. We have had many, many engine failures. A rocket that practically flew sideways. And a rocket that got stuck in a tree and then rescued. She was relaunched but then subsequently lost in another tree. I believe Big Bertha is still in said very tall tree. She won't come down. If you ask Jonathan and Eric about the last rocket launch both boys will say, "We told daddy to use the B engine not the C engine. It's his fault it got stuck in the tree. The C engine was too big and the rocket went too high. It's daddy's fault. He didn't listen to me." Oops. It's time to build another rocket.

1 comment:

Matthews said...

Sounds like a pun intended!!