Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Aren't They Sweet

I have been remiss to get photos of the kids lately, but thought the blog needed some cute -ten-ing up. (Not that Jay's not cute, but you know what I mean.)

Friday, February 23, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jay

Today is February 23, 2007 and Jay is 41 today. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jay, happy birthday to you. TaDa! I hope the kids and I can get out of the house today after naps and search for your perfect gift. There's a huge snow storm brewing and we may need to just sit tight and hunker down in the house. We don't want to get stuck in a snow bank. (So it hasn't started snowing yet...but it will...)

We love you! Hope your special day is the BEST.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dashed Dreams

Well, the full nights of sleep came to an end again. The last two evenings Eric has gotten up once in the middle of the night. I can't figure it out! There really is no pattern that I can decipher. Oh, well.

I took the boys to the library this afternoon. They thought that was the BEST. Jonathan picked out about 15 books. Some are about heavy machinery, space, velociraptors, police cars, milking machines (?), trucks and the like. He loves non-fiction I guess. I picked out a couple of cute fiction books to read also because the other gets soooooo dry for me. :) Funny.

Eric picked out three favorites: two books on trains and one on construction equipment. He's really into the video "I Dig Dirt" right now so construction equipment is great stuff.

Both children couldn't wait to read them and were avidly reading in the car on the way home. I'm really happy they love books since both Jay and I love them so. It'll be great when they can read them on their own too.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Two nights of blissfully, glorious, uninterrupted sleep. Dare I dream? Dare I hope that Eric's night time ramblings are a thing of the past? He hasn't been up until 6 a.m. two nights in a row. It's heaven. I turned the heat down to 65 degrees the last two nights in a row. Coincidence or not?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Eric and I

Hey Look! The mom does exist! Thought I would post a recent photo of Eric and I. I love the black and white. Jonathan thinks my mouth looks funny (so he said) so he doesn't like the photo. Not much going on today. Jonathan had preschool this a.m. Eric and I did some housework and went to the gym for a bit. We had McDonalds for lunch (YUCK!) and then the boys took nice long naps. Why I didn't lie down as well I'll never know. Anyway, it's very cold out again today, about 15 below wind chill, so we are stuck in the house pretty much. I so want to get outside and let them run around and play. The boys are going nutso and so am I. To make matters even worse, a tire on my car is losing air quickly so we are pretty much stuck home until I get new tires. I don't really think driving around would be a good idea with the boys considering the weather. We were going to take a quick run to Target just to pick up a few things. Instead I'm cooking pumpkin muffins. Or trying to do so. The first batch seem undercooked...wonder if I can stick them back in for another five minutes? Hmmmm...What else. Jay cooked a nice dinner last night when he got home from work. It was his Valentine's Day celebration idea. It was very nice even though I don't really like eating at 10 p.m. Well, that's enough rambling for now. The boys are running around the house screeching so I think I better find something quieter for us to do. Only one hour until their bed time...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Here are some photos of my two favorite valentines. Aren't they sweet? I was playing around with my camera and discovered how to take black and white photos and sepia photos. Sepia was not a favorite! Black and white is kind of nice. Anywhoooooo, hope you had a fantastic, loving holiday.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Splish Splash


Yesterday, Jonathan, Eric and I attended Jack's Make-A-Wish going away party for the family's Disney World Vacation. As part of the festivities, the children got to walk through and sit in a fire truck and also a squad car. Both vehicles were super, duper hits with all the kids. Jonathan and Eric were thrilled to death also although I think they were a bit overcome by the size of the fire truck at first. They both LOVED the squad car and would have sat in the back seat all day if I had allowed it. That has me a bit concerned for the future. Ha ha. The rest of the party was held inside and there was pizza, soda, chips, cakes, and brownies. The kids LOVED the chairs because they had wheels on them. My boys started pushing the chairs around and soon the whole room was filled with children pushing each other around the room on the chairs. It was total chaos. As the guest of honor, Jack was given some brief instruction on shooting a taser gun that fired wired barbs. He shot a target. That was a bit scary. (For those of you who don't know, Jack was diagnosed with lymphoma in May 2006 and after six long months of chemotherapy and several surgeries, he is now cancer free. He's truly a recovery miracle and a testimony to God's healing power!) Everyone had a fun afternoon. The boys were tuckered out and went to bed nice and easy.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Great, Great News

The postman brought me the best news today. The Anoka-Hennepin School District chose Jonathan's name by lottery for one of its 25 kindergarten openings at Riverview Specialty School in Brooklyn Park. I'm soooooo excited that he gets the opportunity to attend school there! The school specializes in Math and Environmental Science. The teachers are kind, on-hands, very involved with all the students. They have so many unique opportunities for their students such as the Junior Master Gardener Program and forays to the Coon Rapids Dam for science projects etc. I feel like we won the lottery! Since Jonathan was accepted, Eric gets to attend no matter what! God is so Good! He hears our prayers and answers them. Thanks to all of you who prayed with us over this matter. Yahoo! And another blessing about this school, it's FREE because it is part of the school district. :) Yahoo! Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Today I signed Jonathan up for his first sports team. He will be playing T-Ball starting in March. It is a 6 week class that he and Jay will be attending together. My little boy is growing up! Gonna get teary-eyed...

Self Portrait by Jonathan, Age 4 and 11 months