Friday, November 30, 2007

Out of the Mouth's of Babes

Eric, "Oh Snap!"

Cracked me right up...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jonathan's a Girl Magnet

Jay dropped Jonathan off at school on Monday and as Jonathan was getting out of the car he heard two girls who were older than Jonathan say to him, "We know who you are Jonathan." Jay indicated that they said it in a "we heard about you from others and you are cute" sort of way. Jonathan's reply was something to the affect of "Stop saying that", but he said it with a big smile.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Difference a Year or So Makes

I found these photos on an old memory card. They are from our move from St. Paul Como to our current house in Coon Rapids. Wow, do they look little! That was only about a year-and-a-half ago.

Thanksgiving Cousins

My camera is still broken and it appears it will remain that way. I can buy a brand new one with double the megapixels for probably less than it will take to fix my old one. The one I really want is a bit more but very cool. So in the meantime, I purchased a card reader so that I could download the photos that are stuck on my memory cards. All the new cameras use a much smaller memory cards so now my memory cards are no good. And they use different batteries or only two batteries instead of four. Oh, technology! How thee try to thwart me at every turn!!!!!!

Aren't the boys cute? Zachary is on the top left and David is on the right. Zachary is 16 and David 18. Then my little guys. They loved playing with their big boy cousins. It's sad that we live so far apart.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fall Haiku

large shadow person
standing in fall's golden sun
shares autumnal warmth

More Techno Troubles

So, I'm pretty much depressed that I haven't posted any recent updates on this blog since the beginning of November and here it is the end of November. Ahhhh, time it marches on. And now that I have some photos and such that I'd like to post my camera is having issues with the memory card. It will not load correctly. And since that is the only way I can download photos (directly from my camera) things are going to have to wait again on this blog! Ugh! Why do we need all these technologic goodies? They are great when they are working but man do I hate it when they break. So much money down the tubes...Anywhoooooooo...

Thanksgiving was nice. My sister's family and my mom and step-dad came to our house for the holiday. Jay cooked some fantastic food. Unfortunately, the visits were cut short as my sister was starting a new job Saturday a.m. and my mother wasn't feeling very well. That was a bummer. Jonathan and Eric loved playing with their big cousins, David and Zachary. I think they wore the big boys out. It was nice to have my boys occupied by other people. Uncle Kevin seemed to really enjoy Jonathan's company as well.

On Friday instead of the usual trip downtown Minneapolis to see the Christmas display at Macy's, we went and visited The Third Lair which is a skateboarding place. David and Zachary wanted to see it because they had heard about it. It was pretty busy but pretty cool. My boys were amazed I think although neither expressed any interest in trying the sport. I was kind of relieved.

Other than that we did a lot of chatting, sitting around and played some Farkel dice game. It was a good Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bunker Hills Nature Hike

Jay, Jonathan, Eric and I went for a walk through the meadow at Bunker Hills Park on Monday. The weather was beautiful and the sun was shining brightly. I took this photo of my favorite guys in the middle of the meadow. Aren't they sweet?

The boys saw lots of deer tracks and maybe a couple of racoon tracks (or maybe they were giant cougar tracks). They picked up sticks, through rocks, climbed dead logs, and ran around the meadow. The only wild life on display was them except for an occasional grasshopper and butterfly.

Halloween Cuties

Jonathan enjoyed being Tigger this year for Halloween. Eric was Thomas the Train again. He barely wore the costume last year so I thought he could give it another go around this year. It seems he could even wear it next year because of the size of the thing. Maybe he will since neither of my children are that into the whole trick-or-treating business. We went to maybe 10 houses. I think the walking is a bit much for right now. Okay by me. We were home early enough to watch Scooby Doo and then off to bed! Even thought they visited so few houses, they still had a grand time and got plenty of candy. We are currently practicing candy rationing. Happy Belated Halloween to you all!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Jonathan and Kindergarten

Jonathan really likes school but insists that he doesn't. Just yesterday driving home from picking him up, he said the following: "I don't like school at all. There is too much information and stuff in my makes my brain hurt." Made me laugh. He didn't appreciate the laughing however as he thinks I'm laughing at him. Poor kid. He needs to stop being so cute.

Jonathan also shared that his teacher wants the kids to bring in all their Snickers bars from trick or treating for her. I guess that's her favorite. Jonathan doesn't want to do this. He wants to try the Snickers bar first. If he likes it, his teacher isn't getting any.

And lastly, he also informed me again that he'll never be moving out of the house and never be getting a job. If his dad and I move, he'll move with us. And he wants to keep all his toys. And he wants a dog. He'll keep it in his room. With his toys.