Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgiving Cousins

My camera is still broken and it appears it will remain that way. I can buy a brand new one with double the megapixels for probably less than it will take to fix my old one. The one I really want is a bit more but very cool. So in the meantime, I purchased a card reader so that I could download the photos that are stuck on my memory cards. All the new cameras use a much smaller memory cards so now my memory cards are no good. And they use different batteries or only two batteries instead of four. Oh, technology! How thee try to thwart me at every turn!!!!!!

Aren't the boys cute? Zachary is on the top left and David is on the right. Zachary is 16 and David 18. Then my little guys. They loved playing with their big boy cousins. It's sad that we live so far apart.

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