Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Eric Strikes Again

So tonight while I was cleaning up from dinner, I noticed Eric take a kitchen chair and place it in front of the microwave. Two point three seconds later I was running over there to stop the thing from cooking what I thought was a coin. Upon opening the microwave, I discovered some black, swirling smoke rising up from the poor cell phone. The thing has been cooked and no longer works. Thus we are temporarily without a cell phone so don't try to reach us at our cell number. By the way, do not attempt this stunt at home. It was totally choreographed by our dear two-year-old who has had full training in destruction of all things costly.

Birthday Blahs

Today's my 39th birthday and I have spent the whole day at work. The day has dragged on and on and on. I could understand the long day if I had great plans for after work to celebrate but Jay's working until 9:30 so it will be just the kids and I tonight. Maybe the three of us can have a tiny birthday celebration for me. Frozen Jack's pizza for supper and m and m's for dessert. Ha! Ha! Friends and family have called and wished me birthday greetings all day so that has been nice. My mom has called three times and sung her birthday greetings into my voice mail. Another plus, it has been snowing very softly since lunch. The flakes are fluffy, soft, and floaty. It's rather pretty and dreamy outside. Another half an hour and I will be free to wander in the dream land--quitting time is 4:00.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Very Cold Day in Minnesota

Today the temperature was just a little bit above zero degrees so we were stuck inside the house pretty much all day. Eric decided to get out his "car" and play with that. The thing plays music, says the abc's and he can ride it all over the house. One of his new antics today was to pretend he was falling off the car by waving his hands around in the air with a worried look on his face. Then he would slip ever so controlled onto the floor. He had all three of us laughing pretty hard. I took a video of it but my video skills leave something to be desired. If I can figure out how to post a video, I'll get it on here.

Jonathan's Creation

Jonathan and Jay watched a program the other day which showed a shoulder missile launcher. Apparently, Jonathan was very intrigued by the item. Yesterday, he crafted his very own missile launcher from paper and tape. He did it all by himself. Plus, he added a bit of color. Such a creative kid! And soooo crafty. (The fake smile is an exact copy of his daddy's goofy fake smile. Funny.)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

New Nephew

My sister-in-law Jennifer had her baby on Friday, January 26, 2007 at 6:34 p.m. He was 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long. Everyone is doing great. Welcome Baby Zachary Scott!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Snow Day

The weather today was 37 degrees. The sun was shining and the snow was melting. In the afternoon, I bundled the children up in their snowpants, coats, hats, boots and mittens and we went outside and played. They got snowball makers for Christmas and enjoyed playing with those for a while. When that got old, we ran around the yard and went out on the frozen pond. Fun day. I'm hoping the cold, fresh air exhausted them and they will sleep like hibernating bears this evening.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Few of Jonathan's Favorite Things

Jonathan loves to use my digital camera to take photos of his favorite toys. Here is a picture of his new stuffed T-Rex Dinosaur aptly named Rexie. Another photo shows his 6 foot green python. The last and favorite item is a photo of his stuffed kitty. Kitty is grey, flattened and very well loved. She has been with Jonathan for years despite being lost many times for weeks and weeks. Somehow she always manages to show up again. I'd love to post more of Jonathan's photos in the future as some of them have very interesting compositions. Sometimes, however, he takes pictures of the same section of the refrigerator or floor over and over again. I'll spare you those.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Morning Struggles

This a.m. started off really early and a little rocky. The children were up at 5:30 after a long night of Eric getting up a couple of times during the night. Luckily, I had to get up anyway and get ready for work. Maybe I can sneak a nap in at work. Ha ha! Jay is home from work today so he will be caring for the children. I hope he remembers to take Jonathan to school today. (He forgot once which was pretty funny, sort of.) Jonathan loves his preschool which is so nice. He loves his teacher and loves learning. It's always fun to have him come home and tell us what he learned. He knows his birthday is coming up also and he is already making a list of friends to invite.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Eric Charles

Eric loves the Happy Feet balloon Jay brought home from work yesterday. He says, "Baoom" with such love and appreciation. It is very cute. (Jay had the balloons at work because on Saturday the store had everyone dress in tuxedos for their sale kick-off. HOM has some very fun promotions.)


Cool Slideshows

Another Monday

So, I've been toying around with this blogger site and it is driving me insane. For some reason I cannot get one photo loaded on the site but was able to have a whole slide show added. Don't get it! Kids woke up at 6:00 a.m. per usual and are currently watching Calliou and Spongebob Squarepants. Jay's enjoying his breakfast. It's time to get moving for the day and put the computer AWAY. Just wanted to see what a blog post would look like on the site. :)