Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Morning Struggles

This a.m. started off really early and a little rocky. The children were up at 5:30 after a long night of Eric getting up a couple of times during the night. Luckily, I had to get up anyway and get ready for work. Maybe I can sneak a nap in at work. Ha ha! Jay is home from work today so he will be caring for the children. I hope he remembers to take Jonathan to school today. (He forgot once which was pretty funny, sort of.) Jonathan loves his preschool which is so nice. He loves his teacher and loves learning. It's always fun to have him come home and tell us what he learned. He knows his birthday is coming up also and he is already making a list of friends to invite.

1 comment:

Matthews said...

Post a list of birthday wishes for Jonathan! He's going to be 5...yikes!!!!!