Sunday, August 5, 2007

This and That

So my computer is still out of commission which means my photos are out of commission as well as my ipod. I didn't realize how dependent on these new fangled mechanical devices I was. Blah! Jay should be taking my computer to a Mac shop tomorrow to be fixed. The only thing wrong is the power cord...a piece got stuck inside the plug and now I can't charge the computer. Of course, the battery is now dead. Ugh! I dislike such broken things.

On another note, the bridge collapse is still heavy on my mind. I was going to walk over to one of the bridges in Minneapolis at work on Friday to see what I could see in person. It's supposed to be more surreal that way and make a bigger impact. Part of me isn't sure if that is what I really want to experience but it does feel important. I didn't make it over there. I don't want to get in the way and don't want to be a gawker. But it does seem vital for healing my mind. Perhaps on Tuesday when I am back downtown for work.

It sure is a miracle that so far there are only 5 confirmed fatalities. Wow! It could have been so much worse. Although those who have lost loved ones, I'm sure, don't feel so fortunate. Anyway, there are only 8 others confirmed missing. But there must be some who haven't been accounted for? This still gives me such a heavy heart....

Life is precious and so fragile. Yet we are so resilent and continue on in the face of hardship and strife. When lives are in danger, some put their own in danger to rescue and help others. I like to think I would be one to help rather than run away. But do we really know how we would act during a tragedy? I don't know if you can ever prepare for such an event. Hopefully, I'll never have to find out in my life time and neither will you.

God bless you all today! May God's love shine down on you and your families! Much love to you!


Matthews said...

I think the adrenaline kicks in and one is able to surge into danger in order to help someone in harm's way. And I agree, I hope I'm never in that situation.

Sorry about your computer!!!

Anonymous said...

You know what? I KNOW you would be one to immediately help. You were there for me and with me, taking care of me on the worst day of my life last spring when Jack was diagnosed. So, just know that you ARE that kind of person!